Women In Real Estate 2019

C H A R L E S T ON ’ S 2 0 1 9 Women I N R E A L E S TAT E www.ChsWomenInBusiness.com | www.ChsWomenInRE.com WIRE S ix agents in one real estate office become first-time moms over the course of one year. Sounds like a summary of a new Netflix series. The opening scene shows a woman closing deals on her phone and pans out so the viewers see she’s in labor in the delivery room. The scene changes to another mom showing a house while bouncing up and down to shush her fussy baby who is strapped into a baby carrier. Viewers then see a woman at home pumping while reviewing BY ANNE SHULER TOOLE T he ‘Carolina One Six’ Striking a Balance between Working and Motherhood contracts. A fourth scene change shows a mom trying to keep it together as she drops her babe at day care for the first time, and then a very pregnant woman huffs and puffs up the stairs at an open house; and lastly one more mom — to tie them all together — rocking her baby back to sleep in the dead of night and quietly sending a group text to the other five asking questions about her baby’s acid reflux. And they all respond because they’re still awake, too.