64 www.CharlestonWomenPodcast.com | www.ReadCW.com | www.Instagram.com/CharlestonWomen We’re spending a little time with some of the amazing women in our Charleston-area communities to get to know them better. These are real women from our area who represent many different walks of life. If you would like to be featured or want to suggest another amazing lady who should be recognized, let us know. Follow @CharlestonWomen on Instagram and connect with us. We Are Charleston Women MORGAN ALLEN Where do you live? I live in Hollywood, S.C. I grew up spending my summers in Charleston and made it my home after graduating the University of South Carolina. You are a renaissance woman. What are you up to now? I emersed myself into all things design and construction. I work as an estimating and data manager for a local builder. My love for design and building sparked at an early age, helping my mom with her home renovation projects and my dad with building and repairing things around his farm. I am also an artist who enjoys painting large scale abstract paintings, making jewelry and commissioning custom pieces. Who is a woman who shines in your life? My mom is a Charlestonian, born and raised, and she is my shine. She’s someone who has taught me so much and continues to be an inspiration for me each day. She was a single mom who worked hard in several corporate roles to provide for our family. I’ve never met anyone that is as positive, innovative and type A as she is. She sparked my love for art, design and nature. JACKIE ADAMS Where do you live? I live in Goose Creek. Tell us about your charity work. I am a member of the Goose Creek branch NAACP, more specifically WIN (Women In the NAACP). WIN addresses issues affecting women and children. One of our target groups was children waiting to be adopted from foster care. We chose to collect fast-food gift cards for children being transported to sibling visits, court hearings, medical appointments and transitional visits. WIN collected more than $1,000 of gift cards that we presented to SCDSS Lowcountry Adoptions. I am also a member of the Berkeley County Community Development Advisory Board which is tasked with determining which 501C-3 organizations will be awarded grant funds. I am vice president of the Casey Community Civic Group. CCCG has evolved into a mouthpiece, protector and informer while promoting neighborly connectivity for residents of Thurgood and adjoining roads. Most importantly, I am an usher at Living Word Christian Church in Summerville. I love greeting worshipers and making them comfortable in God’s house. JESSICA PARKER Where are you located? I live in Johns Island. What is your job? I’m a medical aesthetics distributor. I represent multiple product lines. I’m able to represent everything from skincare to laser services. I take a consultative approach to what practices need versus just trying to sell them one product. I love helping build and mold a practice. I think it’s hard sometimes for business owners to separate me from being a “saleswoman,” but I truly want to see people succeed and help them close the gaps in their offerings. Who is a Charleston woman you admire? I admire a longtime friend Jen Stewart. She’s originally from Texas and has been living in the area for many years. Her compassion for people, animals and worthy causes is amazing. She’s been a foster mom to both children and pets. And she always up for trip around the world. She can find the positive in a situation, and that’s something which I can always use an extra dose. We Are Charleston Women