35 www.CharlestonWomenPodcast.com | www.ReadCW.com | www.Instagram.com/CharlestonWomen With dedication to the community where she lives and an eye for fashion, it is no wonder that Margie Sutton was nominated for the She Shines award. Sutton’s FLY Modern Apparel is a staple in the Summerville community. Not only does her business offer stylish, unique and affordable fashion, she uses it to give back. The events she hosts are all complimentary, a way to promote her business while also appreciating to the community for their faithful support. FLY is not her only successful business, as she also owns MOD Beaute Studio, The MOD Barber, SOLE Shoe Company, FLY Men’s Wear and the just-opened RETRO FLY Vintage. Sutton’s companies employ more than 20 people, and she often hires from a local nonprofit to help individuals get back on their feet. She has given to and outfitted many in need to provide them with the opportunities for a new start. People are her passion, and she serves while supplying a demand for clothing, shoes, fashion, hair and makeup for the community. Sutton has spent her whole life in the fashion industry, beginning her career at 19. She’s done a bit of everything pertaining to fashion, saying this is who she is inside and out. “Integrity is huge for me. I work hard to instill this principle in our staff — that we are a people of our word,” said Sutton. It’s no wonder that her hardworking, honest and humble personality landed her a She Shines finalist. For more information, visit FlyModernApparel.com. Margie Sutton Shines at FLY BY CARI LAWSON Charleston Women in Style