17 www.CharlestonWomenPodcast.com | www.ReadCW.com | www.Instagram.com/CharlestonWomen The greater Charleston area abounds with savvy businesswomen. Women dominate the real estate, health, education, recruitment and customer service fields. They are breaking into fields not-sotraditionally associated with women as well, fields like waste management, heating and air, construction and so much more. Women in our area are proving daily that there isn’t anything they can’t do. In a region dotted by both corporate and small businesses, they have shown up not only to contend but to win. What does it mean to “win” in business? We believe that means to become a leader in the market, to serve the community, to achieve success and to pave the way for others to do the same. It isn’t about crushing the competition, but about bettering the industry or commerce climate while helping others to succeed. It is about becoming a light to brighten the path for those following. Our business section, meant to both educate and inspire, highlights females from many industries, especially entrepreneurs. Our hope is that our readers will not only learn about some incredible businesses but will become inspired by the women behind them. The idea is for women to support women, and that idea is brought to fruition by first making a connection. Keep reading and make a new connection here. We are all part of the same network. Our She Shines winners are simply the ones holding the torches, leading the crowds. Explore them throughout this section. Charleston Women in Business 280 WEST COLEMAN BLVD. 843.936.6997 | INTERIORMOTIVESMP@GMAIL.COM