86 www.CharlestonWomenPodcast.com | www.ReadCW.com | www.Instagram.com/CharlestonWomen We’re Influenced! Hints on Hustle We Are Charleston Women Enjoy these comments from top Instagram and social media personalities in our area on the art of the hustle. These business minds have grown their brands into powerhouses with grit, grind and the occasional gif. DO IT SCARED Julianne Taylor, business owner and designer @juliannetaylorstyle “Many times as entrepreneurs we get to a certain point, but never really realize our full potential because that next move is scary. The reality is that the fear is never going to go away. So, just do it scared. Otherwise, you’ll be in the same spot next year as you are right now. And that’s the scariest place of all.” FIND LIKE-MINDED WOMEN Jalisa Jones, fashion blogger @imadamejay “As an influencer, my focus is on creating a community that is focused on uplifting and helping other women. The content I share is not just focused on posting a pretty picture or video. I am a new mom, and building a community of like-minded women is my main focus. Through everything I share, I want to leave people feeling inspired.” LEARN FROM SOCIAL MEDIA Eliza Limehouse, owner of Snafflebit Bracelet Co. @elizadevereauxlimehouse “Social media is not only our biggest marketing tool in the current e-commerce world we live in, but it’s also free. Anytime I don’t know how to do something, I just head over to YouTube or Instagram; the opportunities to learn are endless.”