45 www.CharlestonWomenPodcast.com | www.ReadCW.com | www.Instagram.com/CharlestonWomen Charleston is a fashion town. It isn’t only because it’s one of the few Southern cities with its very own fashion week, and isn’t because of famous King Street, which has been a shopping district or trading route since colonial America. It isn’t even due to luxury stores like Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Kate Spade that decorate that noted district. It’s also not the hosts of privately owned fan-favorite boutiques like Beckett Boutique, II Brunettes or Fly, that pop up from downtown to the suburbs. No, it’s not any of that. It is ALL of that and then some. The Southern United States is not as synonymous with fashion as cities such as New York or Los Angeles. It is unique that Charleston, so small in comparison to Atlanta or Charlotte, is a Southern shop-till-you-drop destination. We think that all the amazing offerings here can be traced back to the people. Women in Charleston dominate the shopping scene, and those women know how to put classic traditions into a blender with cosmopolitan class. It is in the personality of Charleston itself to dress to impress because of both where we’ve been and where we’re going. The city is a natural born leader with a charisma that cannot be explained. That’s why it often attracts women cut from that same cloth. It’s not something words or photos can even capture in completion; but watch us try. Enjoy this tour through Lowcountry style for you and your atmosphere. In this issue, we are exploring home interiors and unique designs more than just wardrobe. We have great things in store! Charleston Women in Style